Monday, November 2, 2009

Red's Traits

Little Red Riding Hood is very young and well described as naive.  She is innocent and obviously has not experienced much of what she will in her later years.  When the wolf in the story is speaking to her he easily deceives her and she finds him to be kind and helpful.  In reality, he is trying to trick her and take advantage of her completely.  Not only was she easily tricked but she was very obedient and trustworthy.  She listened to what her elders told her and went on her way.  It is said that some people have seen a sexual innocence and innuendo in the story.  They see it as her being extremely innocent and he wolf trying to steal her innocence.  I see the story in a more upfront way in saying that she is just a young and naive child that is learning a hard lesson by the end of the story.

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